Mastering the art of serene wedding planningMastering the art of serene wedding planning

Mastering the art of serene wedding planning

September 26, 2023

Wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and it can also be one of the most stressful. And not to mention months of hustle and bustle before the big day, causing anxiety that reaches its peak on the wedding day. Nobody wants that, right? Let’s take a look at a few steps you can take to manage your stress level to enjoy the big day fully.   

Plan beforehand

It’s no secret that the more time you have to plan – the more chances you have to stay calm. With no urgency, plenty of time is available to think everything through. Make a clear plan or a checklist of everything you need to do before the wedding day, gather all the emergency numbers, arrange all the meetings in the calendar, and use applications – do everything ahead to feel more in control and minimize potential stress. 

Learn to delegate 

Undoubtedly, the notion of "if you want something done right, do it yourself" resonates with many of us. However, when aiming for a flawless wedding and don’t know how to handle unforeseen emergencies (which are bound to occur regardless), it is better to hire professionals who can manage every aspect with utmost care and attention, leaving you to enjoy the results.  

Find your support

If hiring professionals is out of your budget, ask friends, family members, or acquaintances for help. You don’t have to do everything by yourself, you can and should be able to ask for help. Especially when you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. 

Self-Care is everything 

Taking care of yourself has always been crucial.  Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating well, taking time to relax, and paying attention to the body. Wedding planning is not only a time-consuming process but also a very exhausting one. Listen to yourself and do something just for you regularly. 

Expectation VS Reality

Though you naturally want your wedding day to be perfect, as with everything in life, expectations can often fall short of reality. Due to unexpected mishaps, some things may go totally disastrous. The weather may suck, your hair may not look as good as you expected, your brother may be late because of the canceled flight, and so on. In order not to be disappointed and upset at this magic moment, it is better to be prepared for various circumstances and enjoy your big day no matter what.

Try not to idealize your wedding because absolutely anything can happen, and you need to go with the flow, accepting the situation. Take your own attitude and reactions in control. Try to stay calm, flexible, and open-minded. Even if the day doesn't go exactly as planned, try to focus on the positive aspects of the experience and be present.